Maroon 5
Compléter les paroles
oleh fanou:D
7 masalah
1. Compléter les paroles: " I 'm at a ..."
a Trainphone
b Payphone
c Callphone
d Cayphone
2. Compléter les paroles: "Just baby give me..."
a One more night
b One more hight
c One more time
d One more sunlight
3. Compléter les paroles: "I am in..."
a Kikery
b Bizary
c Stupidy
d Misery
4. Compléter les paroles:" I've got..."
a Moves like jager
b Moves like raker
c Moves like lawer
d Moves like jagger
5. Compléter les paroles : " This..."
a Cove
b Pove
c Love
d Move
6. Compléter les paroles :" And when the daylight ..."
a Comes I'll have to brow
b Comes I'll have to grow
c Comes I'll have to go
d Comes I'll have to broke
7. Compléter les paroles : " And she will be..."
a Love
b Lovem
c Loved
d Lovet